To be submitted to the General Shareholders Meeting
As of April 25th, after the conclusion of the General Shareholders' Meeting of BME, Antonio Zoido will drop the executive powers associated with his position in the Company to remain as non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, as planned since 2017. From that date Javier Hernani will become the Company’s top executive.
In line with corporate governance best practices and to coincide with the 2019 Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting, the reorganisation of the company's corporate governance structure is due to be finalised. These corporate governance amendments began in 2017 with the Board's appointment of Javier Hernani Burzako as CEO and the delegation to him of all the Board's powers.
The Board of Directors has also agreed to submit to the Meeting a proposal to maintain the position of Lead Director irrespective of the new classification of the Chairman as a non-executive Director.
BME Market Data
Palacio de la Bolsa
Plaza de la Lealtad 1
28014 Madrid